Road Markings in India - Explained
Hello friends, In today’s blog, we will talk about the line made on the road. In India, so many people drive cars in a misbehaving manner. There are 50% of drivers who do not know about these lines. Due to this, accidents often happen in India. So let us know what the lines on the road say.
Broken Line

As you can see in the above image, the white line is broken in the middle. This means that if you want to overtake the vehicle moving in front, you can do so; if you want to change the line, you can also do so. The line length between the breaks may vary. If you look at the highway, the line can be up to two or three meters. In city areas where there is more traffic, it may be two feet or even three feet. It depends on where you are driving. That means where the vehicle runs at slow speed, the lines are made short, and where the vehicle runs at high speed, the lines are made a little longer so that they can be visible.
Solid Line

If there is a white-colored continuous line on the road, then you cannot overtake the vehicle moving in front. And in such a situation, you cannot even change the line. Generally, the continuation line starts 200 to 300 meters before the turning point. This means that there is a turning point ahead and overtaking is prohibited.
Parallel Solid Lines

If parallel lines are visible in the middle of the road, it means that the vehicle should consider these lines as proper dividers and drive. Just like if there is a divider in the middle of the road, then you cannot cross to another line, similarly, the meaning of these two lines is the same; consider them as dividers. You can never go to another line by crossing these lines.
Yellow Parallel Lines

If two parallel lines of yellow color appear that are similar to white-colored parallel lines, then it means restriction. In parallel lines of white, you are given instructions as to what not to do. But the two parallel lines of yellow color restrict you, so you have to follow this line.
White-colored parallel lines are considered dividers. You cannot cross these lines, but in some conditions, you can. Like, you have to take a turn or a U-turn. But where there is a yellow parallel line, there is a complete restriction. As far as this line is, we will have to follow these lines.
Broken/Dotted and Solid Line

In this image, you can see that on one side a continuous line has been formed, and on the other side a broken line has been formed. What does it mean? It is very important to understand this. If you are moving in a line, and there is a brake line on your side, then you can overtake the vehicle moving ahead. But if there is a continuous line on your side, then you cannot overtake. Generally, these lines are made according to the structure of the road.
Yellow Box junction

Generally, such lines are made at intersections where there is a lot of traffic, and these lines or boxes are made in yellow. You can never stop the car inside this box. For example, if there is no signal at an intersection, such boxes will be made there. Whenever you are crossing the intersection, you have to check beforehand whether any vehicle is coming from the front or side. If there is a vehicle coming from the front, then stop before reaching the box, as stopping in these boxes is strictly prohibited.
Rumble Strip

You must have seen such a white rumble strip on the highway on which your car vibrates a little when you drive. Actually, this sign is made to warn the driver. There is going to be a change on the road you are on; you are being indicated that there is something coming ahead that is a little different from your normal road. Either there is going to be some traffic ahead, or the divider is going to end.
Numbers on the Road

At many places, you must have seen numbers written on the road. This number shows the speed limit of your vehicle that you can drive on this road. If you drive your vehicle at more than this speed, you may also be issued a challan.
Zebra Crossing

You all must have heard about the zebra crossing line, which is built at every small and big intersection in the cities. But very few people know its real meaning. The Zebra crossing is made for pedestrians who have to cross the road. If someone is at a zebra crossing to cross the road, then we should first allow him to cross the road, but in India, no one pays much attention to these things. Secondly, even when there is a red light at the traffic signal, we should stop our vehicle before starting the zebra crossing. If you stop your vehicle at a zebra crossing, it will cause trouble for pedestrians, and you may also be issued a challan in this situation.